The Benefits of Yoga Nidra for Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit

Yoga Nidra is 👏🏼so much more 👏🏼 than a deep relaxation meditation, a sleep meditation - or a ‘non sleep deep rest’ practice.

In fact, it’s the most powerful meditation practice I’ve ever come across. And the fact that you get to lie down…well…that’s just the cherry on top.🍒🍨

When I introduce people to Yoga Nidra for the first time, sometimes I feel like a bit of a snake oil salesman, claiming all of these incredible benefits and then saying ‘AND IT’S SO EASY TOO!’

But…the fact of the matter is…everything I claim in terms of its benefits is accurate. It really IS that good. And it really IS that easy.

Here’s a little summary of how Yoga Nidra can help you…

Yoga Nidra & the Body

  • Teaches your body and brain to quickly down-regulate and activate the parasympathetic nervous system 😌

  • Clears stress hormones from the bloodstream to immediately reduce stress and relieve anxiety.

  • Reduces muscular tension

  • Decreases pain

  • Increases energy 🏃🏼‍♀️

  • Lowers blood 🫀pressure

  • Supports digestion

  • Improves 💤 sleep, reducing sleep onset insomnia and increasing deep sleep

Yoga Nidra & the Mind

  • Boosts mood and motivation

  • Improves afternoon focus and productivity 🤓

  • Strengthens mind-body connection.

  • Improves cognition

  • Increases creativity. 🎨

  • Improves executive functioning and reduces fear-based decision making.

Yoga Nidra & Emotions

  • Encourages emotional processing and integration

  • Was recognized by the US Military as a complementary healing modality for healing veterans with PTSD in 2006. ❤️‍🩹

  • Increases feelings of well-being, ease and tranquility

Yoga Nidra & Personal Development:

  • Bypasses cognition to imprint subconscious to reprogram limiting beliefs.

  • Provides an opportunity to remember to remember the direction you’re going in life, realigning you with your True North 🧭 on a daily basis.

  • Encourages self-acceptance and self-love

  • Helps you learn to let go - 🤷🏼‍♀️ in the practice - and in life.🤙🏼

Yoga Nidra as a Spiritual Practice:

Yoga Nidra is not just a ‘meditation technique.’ In fact, some teachers would argue that it’s not a meditation technique at all.

Traditionally, Yoga Nidra is defined as a state of consciousness beyond waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. When one touches into this state of consciousness, it is akin to a sort of ‘mini enlightenment,’ or as I like to call it, ‘an embodied experience of knowing. Through this state of pure awareness beyond form, you begin to know the true nature of the Self and Reality. As you access this state of knowing repeatedly, your ability to dwell in deep presence and joy gradually transforms every level of your being.

So as you may be gathering, this is a straight up mystical experience. And the thing about mystical experiences….you can’t REALLY talk about them using language. So my work here is done. 😂

I’ll conclude with this: the spiritual benefits of Yoga Nidra unfold over time - but not through effort or skill. Through letting go. So start practicing the meditation technique known as Yoga Nidra…and at some point down the line, you’ll probably start to experience the STATE of Yoga Nidra.

💥Please note, this post presents the WHAT.

The WHY and the HOW are a much longer science + yoga philosophy convo.💥

If you want to dive deep into all things Yoga Nidra and develop a full understanding of the mechanics, methodology, and magic of these incredible teachings, join me for Yoga Nidra Teacher Training.


One Resolution to Rule Them All